
katie holmes


Anonymous said...

This outfit is awful!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree

www.stepherz.com said...

Poor Katie. I think the pegged jeans are a better look than this. What have they done to her? She's crying for help through her wardrobe!

www.stepherz.com said...

And btw, I didn't like the pegged jeans either...

Anonymous said...

Horrible! She looks too matronly especially with her short haircut. It does her no justice.

Anonymous said...

ITA with the others. The first thing I thought was, "That's not Katie; she looks really old." Too dark, perhaps to much going on. Maybe better without the leggings and in a brighter color. Halloween is still months away!

Anonymous said...

I like the ruffled dress you chose better. Nice blog!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you guys wouldn't know great style if it bit you in the a**!! katie looks great, CLASS ACT all the way.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the crowd. On first sight all I could say was awful. Yuk!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a "cool mom" outfit, which is what she is. Why does she have to look like she's on the cover of InStyle all the time, people??


Ninabeena said...

Ugh. How old are you katie? you can look sophisticated and chic yet still young and fresh....I don't care how classic people "think" she is being, the clothes never look like her natural style; like something she should our would actually wear...yuck

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you spent time trying to replicate this outfit. Your time would have been better spent calling the animal shelter.

Unknown said...

I don't understand why she is dressing as if she's in her 30s or 40s. I think the outfits okay.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Excellent! I REALLY LOVE HER OUTFIT.Looking fabulous.
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