
katie holmes


Em said...

Wow. Those pants are very unflattering!

Anonymous said...

if i were as tall as Katie Holmes, I would wear it.....i'm too short!

Anonymous said...

The pants don't flatter her body. A different cut (mid-rise) might help. With a change in the rise of the pants, it would be fab!

Diane said...

who would have thought that high waisted pants would be such an improvement...bye-bye ugly rolled up boyfriend jeans!

www.stepherz.com said...

She has an ugly jeans addiction. "Mom Jeans" taken to a whole new level. What happened to Katie's sex appeal?

PS-- I really like her anyways...

lauren said...

i love this outfit. adorable.

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a style. Really looking FABULOUS.If you want to make yourself a tv star, then log onto http://www.uploaded.tv where you can upload your videos, pictures, music, play games online, and can also earn handful of money if your videos are good.